
As the global community of organizations and individuals working to end mass atrocities matures, practitioners continue to identify important gaps that must be addressed. Across the board, they have identified four areas of need:

  • Research on topics that directly affect our ability to be effective in our efforts;
  • Access to funds for innovative projects, especially for talented individuals without an organizational affiliation, that could strengthen part or all of the community;
  • Coordination and sharing of information; and
  • Professional development opportunities.

The Nexus Fund works with practitioners to help fill these gaps and to continuously identify and meet the needs of the community where possible.

Our four areas of focus are:

  • “The Nexus Fund is playing a critical role in helping to nurture, catalyze, and professionalize this nascent field of mass atrocity prevention.  These are the essential ingredients for our shared long-term success.”

    -Cameron Hudson, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

  • “That the Nexus Fund decided that rising powers should be the focus of its global convening illustrates that it is able to look ahead and identify knowledge and capacity gaps that urgently need to be filled.”

    -Tom Wheeler, Saferworld U.K.

  • “The Nexus Fund’s approach is radically simple: It works behind-the-scenes to provide activists, especially those from conflict-affected areas, the support they say they need to be effective.”

    -Rebecca Hamilton, Author of Fighting for Darfur

  • “What is needed today is a strong civil society that can work with and push states to fulfill the responsibility to protect. The Nexus Fund helps build and support this global community of dedicated individuals and organizations to help make this possible.”

    -Naomi Kikoler, Global Center for the Responsibility to Protect

  • “The emergence of a community of advocates for global action against mass atrocity crimes is crucial for the effective implementation of the Responsibility to Protect.”

    -Dr. Noel Morada, Asia-Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

  • “The Nexus Fund fills a crucial gap in the fight against mass atrocities by building networks and breaking down barriers so that a more global, interconnected community committed to conflict prevention can emerge and have lasting impact.”

    -Jon Temin, U.S. Institute of Peace

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